Wednesday, May 12, 2010

European Yoga Festival - maybe

I'm in the land of undecided. I see a possibility to go to the European Yoga Festival, already this year. There is a, rather expensive, solution to get there and if I manage to get a work exhange place on the festival I will have the money to go, I think. But I will not know anyone and it's the same week as me and my husband 1 year anniversary. He says his OK with me going, but I will miss him a lot. But on the other hand I can't force him to go on something he doesn't want to, that would just be wrong for both of us. Should I try to make this happen? I long for it so much I ache, maybe it will not be as I think?

I long for sadhana with other people and I long for mantra singing and chanting. I'm affraid that people will be hippie-type strange and that I will feel out of place. That would be the worst, as it is now I can dream that I belong somewhere, somewhere I can feel unity.


  1. Wow, I've been thinking the same as you! Wanting to go to the festival but at the same time being scared about "hippies" eventhough I recognise many of the teachers as very sensible people with great sense of humour and grace. :) So nice to not be alone with that thought! I also long for community and chanting and connecting with others. I truly think that if you go it will be great but if you choose to wait - well, it will still be there for you next year. :)

  2. You are so right, Pimu! Looks like I'm not going this year, since I have not heard back from the work exchange. Perhaps we will meet there, in France, some year... :-) Then we can chant our hearts out in bliss together with a lot of other people!
