Monday, February 28, 2011


I've joined Spirit Voyage 40 day sadhana, and wow! what a powerful combination of meditations. This is the first day, and this is going to some powerful 39 days ahead.

After the Burn Inner Anger meditation my whole body vibrated, wonderful. And the beautiful Guru Ram Das chant just lifted the soul. I love it, it's true humbling that I get to receive these experiences. I am so grateful for living this life.

These meditations were chosen Snatam Kaur and her husband Sopurkh Singh for Spirit Voyage 4th global 40 day sadhana.

Have you joined this sadhana? What are your experiences?

Live in light & love,


  1. I'll haveto try this one, if not for 40 days then at least once! Thanks for posting! :)

  2. Satnam

    Did day TWO -->

    Well well well, I really think the first 11minutes really challenges ourself to certain level, tough but wonderful for sure..

    Nevertheless, I enjoy and love doing the *Guru Guru Waheguru, Guru Ram Das Guru* jaap..
    I felt as in my soul is experiencing some shift towards the connection with Guru Maharaj..
    And I certainly felt the love of Guru Ram Das Ji flowing through.

    May Guruji shower his blessings upon everyone..

    Love & Hugs

  3. Yes, I look forward to see what issues that come up while doing these meditations for 40 days... Nice to hear that you started doing it to Pearljeet! And Saranpreet, you have to try it, it's lovely!

    Blessings to you both,
